Dr. med. Oliver Seemann

Magneticstimulation (rTMS)

Psychiater, Fachärzte für Psychiatrie und
in München auf jameda


Welcome to 

Neuro-Spa Munich/Zurich:

Private Clinics for Neurostimulation


Why repetitive transcranial

magnetic stimulation (rTMS)?

By very well-tolerated, physiological and thus the body’s own, natural magnetic waves, the brain and its nerve cells are set in vibration and thereby dynamized, harmonized and synchronized.It is a kind of organic treatment with highest scientific medical evidence.

Some physicians talk about Cognitive Blueprint and Longevity in the context of rTMS. In a certain way it is support for Self-Empowerment of your brain and eventually useful for prevention of mental and cognitive diseases, as it improves neuroplasticity of the brain, which is a bio-marker for youth.

For the first time in 1993 the method was used and investigated for treatment of depression (German research group of Gereon Höflich, Hans-Jürgen Möller et.al.). For over 20 years, we ourselves have helped numerous people to a happier life. With approximately 30.000 sessions (3000+ patients), we are amongst the most experienced center worldwide and developed particularly effective stimulation protocols. apart from depression, rTMS is still Off-Label-Use.

Core areas of my practice:

rTMS (repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation), >20 years of experience, common (FDA approved) and individual protocols (Off-label) and also low-intensity (subthreshold)

New: Transcranial Pulse Stimulation (TPS); new in Alzheimer`s dementia (CE approved) and Off-Label against autism and  depression

– Recent studies have shown effects of both techniques on cleaning and thus regeneration of the brain: “Neuro-Spa Brain Longevity Concept”

These techniques intend to “refresh” the brain (i.e. improve neuroplasticity), therefore I call the center “Neuro Spa”.

Neuro-Spa Chief Physician Dr. med. Oliver Seemann, Professor h.c. (IIOPM), Dr. h.c. (YHU) – January 2025 

We have the distinguished Diploma of" Interventional Psychiatry" by: